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AWS Lambda Tracing: X-Ray Setup Guide

Learn how to set up X-Ray tracing for AWS Lambda functions, understand X-Ray basics, advanced settings, reading traces, best practices, troubleshooting, and more.

Zan Faruqui
September 18, 2024

Here's a quick guide to setting up X-Ray tracing for AWS Lambda:

  1. Enable X-Ray tracing in Lambda console or CLI
  2. Install X-Ray SDK in your function code
  3. Configure sampling rules and groups (optional)
  4. View traces in X-Ray console

Key benefits:

  • Visualize request flow through your app
  • Identify performance bottlenecks
  • Debug issues more easily
Setup MethodStepsAWS ConsoleFunctions > Configuration > Monitoring tools > Enable Active tracingAWS CLIRun update-function-configuration commandCloudFormationAdd TracingConfig to function properties

Remember to:

  • Set proper IAM permissions
  • Install language-specific X-Ray SDK
  • Adjust sampling rules to control costs

This guide covers X-Ray basics, setup process, advanced settings, and best practices to help you effectively trace and optimize your Lambda functions.


Before setting up X-Ray tracing on AWS Lambda, make sure you have:

AWS Account and Permissions

An AWS account with the right permissions to:

  • Create and manage Lambda functions
  • Access X-Ray resources (tracing and sampling)

Basic Lambda Knowledge

You should know how to:

  • Create a Lambda function
  • Set up its settings
  • Run the function

AWS CLI (Optional)


The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) can help, but it's not required. With the CLI, you can:

  • Create and manage Lambda functions
  • Set up X-Ray tracing

Here's a quick overview of what you need:

RequirementDetailsAWS AccountActive account with proper permissionsLambda KnowledgeAbility to create, set up, and run functionsAWS CLIOptional tool for command-line operations

Make sure you have these basics covered before moving on to the X-Ray setup process.

What is X-Ray Tracing?


X-Ray tracing helps you understand how your AWS Lambda functions and other parts of your system work together. It shows you the path of requests through your application, helping you find and fix problems.

X-Ray Tracing Basics

AWS X-Ray is a tool that:

  • Collects data about requests in your application
  • Provides ways to view and analyze this data
  • Helps you find issues and make your application work better

X-Ray gathers information from your application and AWS services it uses. To use X-Ray, you add code to your application to send data about requests and other events.

How X-Ray Works with Lambda

X-Ray works well with AWS Lambda. When someone uses your Lambda function, X-Ray creates a record of what happens. This record has three main parts:

PartDescriptionInitializationHow the function starts upInvocationWhat the function doesOverheadExtra time for Lambda to manage the function

These parts help you see where your function might be slow or have problems.

X-Ray Tracing Benefits

Using X-Ray tracing for your Lambda functions can help you:

  • See how requests move through your whole system
  • Find slow parts and make them faster
  • Fix problems more easily
  • Understand and debug your code better
  • Make your system work more reliably and efficiently

Setting Up X-Ray for Lambda

You can set up X-Ray for your AWS Lambda function using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or AWS CloudFormation.

Using AWS Console

To turn on X-Ray tracing in the AWS Management Console:

  1. Go to the AWS Lambda console
  2. Click Functions on the left
  3. Pick your function
  4. On the Configuration tab, find Additional monitoring tools
  5. Click Edit
  6. Under AWS X-Ray, turn on Active tracing

This lets Lambda run the X-Ray daemon to collect and send tracing data.


To turn on X-Ray tracing with AWS CLI, use this command:

aws lambda update-function-configuration --function-name <function-name> --tracing-config Mode=Active

Replace <function-name> with your Lambda function's name.

Using CloudFormation


To turn on tracing with AWS CloudFormation, add this to your Lambda function in your template:

Resources:  MyFunction:    Type: 'AWS::Lambda::Function'    Properties:     ...      TracingConfig:        Mode: Active

Next Steps

After setting up X-Ray, update your function code to use the X-Ray SDK. This will let you see and study tracing data in the X-Ray console.

Setup MethodStepsAWS ConsoleUse the Lambda console to turn on active tracingAWS CLIRun a command to update function configurationCloudFormationAdd TracingConfig to your function properties

Setting Up X-Ray SDK

To use X-Ray with your AWS Lambda function, you need to set up the X-Ray SDK. Here's how to do it for different programming languages:

X-Ray SDK for Node.js

  1. Install the SDK:
npm i aws-xray-sdk-core
  1. Use it in your code:
const AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk-core'); const AWS = AWSXRay.captureAWS(require('aws-sdk'));

X-Ray SDK for Python

  1. Install the SDK:
pip install aws-xray-sdk
  1. Use it to track AWS SDK and HTTP clients in your code.

X-Ray SDK for Other Languages

X-Ray SDK works with Java, .NET, and Go too. Check the AWS X-Ray docs for setup steps.

LanguageInstallationUsageNode.jsnpm i aws-xray-sdk-coreCapture AWS SDK callsPythonpip install aws-xray-sdkTrack AWS SDK and HTTP clientsJavaSee AWS X-Ray docsFollow language-specific instructions.NETSee AWS X-Ray docsFollow language-specific instructionsGoSee AWS X-Ray docsFollow language-specific instructions

After setting up, you can add custom data to your traces to get more info about your app's behavior.


Advanced X-Ray Settings

This section covers three key advanced settings for X-Ray: changing sampling rules, making X-Ray groups, and setting up the X-Ray daemon.

Adjusting Sampling Rules

Sampling rules control how many requests X-Ray traces. You can change these rules to fit your needs:

  1. Go to the AWS X-Ray console's Sampling rules tab
  2. Click Create sampling rule
  3. Fill in the name, description, and rate
  4. Pick the service type and name
  5. Click Create sampling rule to save

Creating X-Ray Groups

X-Ray groups help you sort and study traces using filters. To make a group:

  1. Go to the AWS X-Ray console's Groups tab
  2. Click Create group
  3. Add a name and description
  4. Set up a filter
  5. Pick the group and service types
  6. Click Create group to save

X-Ray Daemon Setup

The X-Ray daemon sends data to X-Ray. You can use it on EC2, ECS, or Elastic Beanstalk. To set it up:

  1. Install the daemon on your platform
  2. Set it up to send data to X-Ray
  3. Make sure it's running right
SettingPurposeStepsSampling RulesControl traced requestsUse X-Ray console to create and adjust rulesX-Ray GroupsSort traces with filtersUse X-Ray console to make and set up groupsX-Ray DaemonSend data to X-RayInstall, set up, and check the daemon

These settings help you get more out of X-Ray tracing for your Lambda functions.

Reading X-Ray Traces

X-Ray Console Overview

The X-Ray console shows how your app works. It has three main parts:

  1. Service map: A picture of your app's parts and how they work together
  2. Traces: A list of records showing how requests move through your app
  3. Analytics: Information about how well your app is working

Using Service Maps

Service maps help you see how your app is built and where it might be slow. Here's how to use them:

UseHow it helpsFind slow partsSee which parts of your app take too longUnderstand app structureSee how different parts of your app work togetherSpot errorsFind where things go wrong in your app

Trace Segments Explained

Trace segments show how a single request moves through your app. They include:

InformationWhat it meansRequest IDA unique number for each requestStart timeWhen the request beganEnd timeWhen the request finishedDurationHow long the request tookErrorsAny problems that happened

Subsegments give more details about specific parts of a request:

  • Initialization: Starting up your Lambda function
  • Invocation: Running your Lambda function
  • Overhead: Extra time for Lambda to get ready for the next event

These details help you see exactly what's happening in your app and where you can make it better.

Best Practices

Improving Performance

To make your AWS Lambda functions work better with X-Ray tracing, try these tips:

TipHow it helpsUse good data structuresLess data sent between services means faster workReduce cold startsUse lazy loading or caching to start functions fasterUse X-Ray samplingControl how much data goes to X-Ray to save money and speed things up

Managing Costs

To keep X-Ray tracing costs low:

TipWhat to doUse cost tagsAdd tags to track where money is spentCheck costs oftenLook at your spending to find ways to saveUse free X-RayGet 100,000 free traces each month

Working with Other AWS Services

To use X-Ray with other AWS tools:

TipWhy it's goodUse CloudFormationSet up X-Ray with other services automaticallyMake service mapsSee how your AWS services work togetherUse X-Ray with API GatewayWatch and study API requests and responses

These tips will help you use X-Ray better with your Lambda functions and other AWS services.


Common Problems and Fixes

When setting up X-Ray tracing for AWS Lambda functions, you might run into some issues. Here are some common problems and how to fix them:

ProblemFixX-Ray not onTurn on active tracing for your Lambda function in the AWS consoleNo traces showing upMake sure your Lambda function is set up to send traces to X-RayHigh tracing costsCheck your X-Ray sampling rules and change them to control how much data goes to X-Ray

Checking X-Ray Setup

To make sure your X-Ray tracing is working:

  1. Look at the AWS X-Ray console for any error messages
  2. Check that your Lambda function is set up to send traces to X-Ray
  3. Look over your X-Ray sampling rules to make sure they're set up right

More Help

If you need more help, check out these resources:

ResourceLinkAWS X-Ray docs Lambda docs troubleshooting guide

These links will help you learn more about X-Ray and Lambda, and how to fix any problems you might have.


Main Points

This guide has shown you how to set up X-Ray tracing for AWS Lambda functions. Here's what we covered:

TopicWhat We LearnedWhy tracing mattersHow it helps watch serverless appsSetting up X-RayUsing AWS console, CLI, and CloudFormationX-Ray SDK setupFor Node.js, Python, and other languagesAdvanced settingsChanging sampling rules and making X-Ray groupsReading tracesUsing service maps to see how requests moveBest practicesMaking functions faster and keeping costs lowFixing problemsCommon issues and how to solve them

We've gone through the key steps to use X-Ray with your Lambda functions. This will help you watch how your apps work and make them better.


  • Turn on X-Ray tracing for your functions
  • Set up the X-Ray SDK in your code
  • Use the X-Ray console to see how your app is doing
  • Keep an eye on costs and performance


How do I use AWS X-Ray to trace Lambda apps?

To use AWS X-Ray with Lambda apps, you need:

  1. Execution role permissions
  2. X-Ray daemon
  3. Active tracing enabled
RequirementPurposeExecution role permissionsLet Lambda send trace data to X-RayX-Ray daemonHelp X-Ray SDK send trace dataActive tracingAllow Lambda to send traces automatically

How do I turn on X-Ray for Lambda?

Follow these steps in the Lambda console:

  1. Go to Functions page
  2. Pick your function
  3. Click Configuration
  4. Choose Monitoring and operations tools
  5. Click Edit
  6. Turn on Active tracing under X-Ray
  7. Save changes

What do I need to trace Lambda apps with X-Ray?

Your Lambda functions send data to X-Ray, which then:

  • Makes a service map
  • Creates searchable trace summaries

If a service with X-Ray tracing calls your function, Lambda sends traces to X-Ray on its own.

X-Ray ActionResultProcess dataCreate service mapProcess dataMake searchable trace summariesAutomatic tracingWhen enabled services call your function


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