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Kubernetes Autoscaling: 3 Methods for Cost Optimization

Learn how to optimize costs in your Kubernetes deployment with autoscaling. Explore Horizontal Pod Autoscaler, Vertical Pod Autoscaler, and Cluster Autoscaler methods to save money while ensuring performance.

Zan Faruqui
September 18, 2024

Want to save money on your Kubernetes deployment? Here's how to use autoscaling:

  1. Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)

    • Adds/removes pods based on CPU usage
    • Best for apps that can run multiple instances
  2. Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA)

    • Adjusts CPU/memory for individual pods
    • Ideal for apps with varying resource needs
  3. Cluster Autoscaler

    • Adds/removes nodes in the cluster
    • Manages overall cluster size

Quick Comparison:

Method What it changes Best for Cost savings
HPA Number of pods Apps with fluctuating traffic Runs optimal pod count
VPA Pod resources Resource-heavy apps Right-sizes pod resources
Cluster Number of nodes Dynamic workloads Uses only needed nodes

Use these tools together to balance performance and cost in your Kubernetes cluster. We'll show you how to set them up and avoid common issues.

What is Kubernetes Autoscaling?


Kubernetes autoscaling helps apps adjust to changing demands automatically. It keeps the right amount of resources available without using too much or too little. This means apps run well even when traffic changes, giving users a good experience while controlling costs.

With autoscaling, developers can make apps grow or shrink as needed. This is better than guessing how much capacity a cluster needs. If a service grows quickly, autoscaling prevents it from running out of resources, which could slow things down and upset users.

Autoscaling is faster than manually adjusting resources. Kubernetes offers three main types of autoscaling:

Type What it does When to use
Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) Adds or removes pods For apps that can run multiple copies
Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA) Changes CPU and memory for pods For apps that need different amounts of resources
Cluster Autoscaler Adds or removes nodes in the cluster To manage overall cluster size

These tools work together to make sure each pod and the whole cluster have enough power to meet current needs. When demand goes up, the cluster grows. When demand drops, it shrinks back to normal size.

1. Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)

Horizontal Pod Autoscaler

How it Works

HPA is a Kubernetes tool that changes the number of pods in a deployment based on CPU use or other metrics. It adds or removes pods to meet a target set by the user. For example, if CPU use goes above 50%, HPA will add more pods to spread out the work.

Saving Money

HPA helps cut costs by:

  • Running just the right number of pods
  • Avoiding wasted resources
  • Working with cluster autoscaling to use fewer nodes when possible

Tips for Best Use

To get the most out of HPA:

  • Make sure HPA and VPA settings don't clash
  • Choose the right size and type of instances
  • Use mixed instances to balance cost and performance
  • Plan for HPA's limits, like not being able to add new nodes on its own

What HPA Can't Do

HPA has some limits:

  • It can't add new nodes by itself
  • It usually only looks at pod-level resource use, not individual containers
Pros Cons
Automatically adjusts pod count Can't add new nodes
Prevents overuse of resources May miss container-specific issues
Works with cluster autoscaling Needs careful setup to avoid conflicts

2. Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA)

Vertical Pod Autoscaler

How it Works

VPA is a Kubernetes tool that changes the CPU and memory resources for individual pods based on their actual use. It has three main parts:

  1. Recommender: Watches resource use and suggests changes
  2. Updater: Removes pods that need new resource limits
  3. Admission Controller: Adds new resource values to pod settings

Saving Money

VPA helps cut costs by:

  • Matching resource requests to actual use
  • Avoiding extra resource allocation
  • Making sure pods have what they need to run well

Tips for Best Use

To get the most out of VPA:

  • Set goals for CPU and memory use
  • Keep an eye on VPA suggestions and change settings as needed
  • Use VPA with Cluster Autoscaler to make the most of your nodes

What VPA Can't Do

VPA has some limits:

Limitation Description
Existing pods Can't update resource limits for pods already running
Resource limits Only changes resource requests, not limits
Changing workloads May not work well for apps that need different amounts of resources at different times

3. Cluster Autoscaler

Cluster Autoscaler

How it Works

Cluster Autoscaler changes the number of worker nodes in a Kubernetes cluster based on workload needs. It:

  • Adds nodes when more resources are needed
  • Removes nodes when they're not being used
  • Watches CPU and memory use to make these decisions

Saving Money

Cluster Autoscaler helps cut costs by:

  • Using only the nodes you need
  • Avoiding paying for unused resources
  • Handling changing workloads efficiently

Tips for Best Use

To get the most out of Cluster Autoscaler:

  • Set resource limits for each pod
  • Use node taints and tolerations to put pods on the right nodes
  • Check the cluster often to spot any problems
  • Choose node sizes that fit your needs and budget

What It Can't Do

Cluster Autoscaler has some limits:

Limitation Description
Platform support Only works with some managed Kubernetes platforms
Storage Doesn't work with local PersistentVolumes
Mixed workloads May struggle with different instance types or resource needs

Comparing Autoscaling Methods

Kubernetes offers three main ways to autoscale: Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA), Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA), and Cluster Autoscaler. Each method works differently and is best for certain situations.

Here's a simple breakdown of these methods:

Method What it changes What it affects Best for How it saves money
HPA Number of pods CPU, memory, other resources Apps with changing traffic Runs just enough pods
VPA Pod resource limits CPU, memory, other resources Resource-heavy apps, batch jobs Gives pods the right amount of resources
Cluster Autoscaler Number of nodes Whole cluster size Changing workloads Uses only needed nodes

HPA is good for apps that get busy at different times. It can quickly add or remove pods as needed.

VPA works well for apps that need a lot of resources or do big jobs all at once. It makes sure each pod has what it needs to run well.

Cluster Autoscaler is best for apps that change a lot over time. It can add or remove whole machines to fit what's needed.

When picking an autoscaling method, think about what your app needs and how it uses resources. Choosing the right method can help you save money and make sure your app runs smoothly, even when things get busy.

Next, we'll look at how to set up autoscaling in your Kubernetes cluster.

How to Set Up Autoscaling

Here's how to set up autoscaling in your Kubernetes cluster:

Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)

To set up HPA:

  1. Make a Deployment YAML file
  2. Make a Service YAML file
  3. Make an HPA YAML file
  4. Use kubectl apply to create them

Example HPA YAML file:

apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta2
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
  name: php-apache
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    name: php-apache
  minReplicas: 1
  maxReplicas: 10
  - type: Resource
      name: cpu
        type: Utilization
        averageUtilization: 50

Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA)

To set up VPA:

  1. Make a Deployment YAML file
  2. Make a VPA YAML file
  3. Use kubectl apply to create them

Example VPA YAML file:

kind: VerticalPodAutoscaler
  name: php-apache
      app: php-apache
    updateMode: "Auto"
      - containerName: php-apache
        mode: "Auto"

Cluster Autoscaler

To set up Cluster Autoscaler:

  1. Make a Cluster Autoscaler Deployment YAML file
  2. Make a Cluster Autoscaler Service YAML file
  3. Use kubectl apply to create them

Example Cluster Autoscaler YAML file:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: cluster-autoscaler
      app: cluster-autoscaler
        app: cluster-autoscaler
      - name: cluster-autoscaler
        - --v=4
        - --stderrthreshold=INFO
        - --cloud-provider=aws
        - --expander=least-waste
        - --nodes=1:10:my-node-group


Tip Description
Adjust rules Change scaling rules to fit your app's needs
Watch performance Keep an eye on your cluster and change settings if needed
Mix methods Use different autoscaling types together for best results

Common Issues and Things to Consider

When using multiple autoscaling methods, you might face some problems. Here are the main things to watch out for:

Balancing Performance and Cost

Autoscaling helps your app run well, but it can cost more if not set up right.

Resource Conflicts and App Stability

Different autoscaling methods can clash. For example:

Method 1 Method 2 Potential Conflict
HPA VPA VPA might change resources in a way that confuses HPA

Monitoring and Adjusting

Keep an eye on how your cluster is doing. You might need to change your settings over time.

To avoid problems:

  • Watch your metrics: Check things like CPU use, memory use, and how fast your app responds.
  • Test your setup: Make sure your autoscaling works the way you want before using it for real.
  • Keep improving: Change your settings as your needs change.


We've looked at three ways to save money with Kubernetes autoscaling:

  1. Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)
  2. Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA)
  3. Cluster Autoscaler (CA)

Each method works differently:

Method What it does How it saves money
HPA Changes number of pods Runs just enough pods
VPA Adjusts CPU and memory Gives pods the right resources
CA Adds or removes nodes Uses only needed machines

When setting up autoscaling:

  • Make sure the methods work well together
  • Watch how your cluster runs
  • Change settings if needed

By using these tools well, you can:

  • Cut costs
  • Use resources better
  • Keep your apps running smoothly


What are the different types of autoscaling in Kubernetes?

Kubernetes offers three main types of autoscaling:

Type Function Resource Management
Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) Changes number of pod copies Manages overall pod count
Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA) Changes CPU and memory for pods Manages resources per pod
Cluster Autoscaler Changes number of nodes Manages cluster size

Each type of autoscaling works differently:

  • HPA adds or removes pod copies based on demand.
  • VPA changes the CPU and memory given to each pod.
  • Cluster Autoscaler adds or removes whole machines in the cluster.

You can use these methods together to make your Kubernetes cluster run better and cost less. Each method helps in its own way to make sure your apps have the right amount of resources.

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